
My musical experience includes the Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus and the Harvard Glee Club, and as a chorister and Choral Fellow at Harvard's Memorial Church.

Choral Conducting

I have directed student and community chamber choirs for the past ten years and have founded several Renaissance chamber choirs:
  • Tactus (SF), meeting weekly at St Matthew's Lutheran Church, San Francisco, CA
  • Tactus Ensemble, meeting during term-time at the Memorial Church, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
  • The Summer Seasonals, meeting during the Summers at the Harvard College Observatory and Memorial Church, Cambridge, MA [dormant]


I am also an active choral composer, writing in the Classical and Renaissance styles. PDF scores of compositions are available on my Compositions page.

Designing the Course of the Future

As a graduate student at Harvard University, I participated in the Teaching Certificate Program of the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning. During that program, I took the Teagle Seminar, titled "Designing the Course of the Future" where the participants explored pedogogical tools and the discussed the latest research in teaching innovation. The outcome was a teaching syllabus and sample assessment scheme generated using the principle of Backwards Design. Owing to my interest in Early Music, I elected to present a course titled "Renaissance Polyphony: Theory and Performance"

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